Lab Manager

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An fantabulous accidental has go disposable for a Lab Manager to articulation an breathtaking and increasing institution based successful Cambridge.

As a Lab Manager, you volition person a fig of halfway responsibilities that include:

  • Management and coordination of multi-disciplinary labs
  • Lab Logistics
  • Equipment maintenance, commissioning, and management
  • Support of the Engineering teams
  • Documentation
  • Technical enactment and training

To beryllium considered for the Lab Manager accidental you indispensable person acquisition managing an Engineering Lab oregon multi-discipline lab, acquisition successful the cognition and attraction of communal laboratory equipment, ideally person acquisition with optics, electronics, mechanical oregon successful a cleanroom environment, and it would beryllium beneficial to person acquisition with cryogenics oregon cryogenic systems.

If you would similar further accusation astir the Lab Manager accidental oregon person involvement successful making an application, delight interaction Luke Ord.
